Write to us

Please note that we do not provide technical support services. If you are needing support, please reach out to our 24/7 Support Team.

Indigenous Sponsorship Contact Request

We’re always excited to strengthen our relationships with Nations, communities and organizations that are particularly focused on Indigenous Empowerment through Entrepreneurship. If you are any of the following:

  1. 1. Supporting the development of Indigenous entrepreneurship through e-commerce. Either through educational programming or resources.
    2. Are changing and creating pathways for Indigenous cultural perpetuity and making it more inclusive and accessible for all to get products to markets.
    3. If your initiative is supporting craft, influencing technology, or building a more equitable and accessible business landscape for Indigenous Peoples.

    Let us know how we can help and please fill out this FORM to get in touch.

We’d love 6‑8 weeks advance notice for sponsorship requests and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can if we’re able to support your initiative. We review all requests and will reach out if we're able to support the opportunity.

Please note that we do not provide technical support services. If you are needing support, please reach out to our 24/7 Support Team.

Office Hours
We hold office hours for multiple merchants to drop-in and hang out and chat about growth or get directed to the best method of support to help their business or themselves grow. We also provide 1:1 consultations to discuss growth of your business or how we can help your organization.